File previewer in Windows Explorer is dependent on 32 bit office, hesitant to upgrade because can’t […]
A common use-case for remote / WFH users is using RDP over VPN. But RDP in […]
Have you ever tried to share a flash drive between a Windows and a Mac computer? […]
A gut reaction may be, “what is this, 1999?” But for those of us who have […]
(Or, “How I learned to stop worrying and love Postfix”.) Have you ever needed to setup […]
Setting up pfSense and it doesn’t boot? Hit escape to load the pre-exec envrionment (OK prompt), […]
Don’t forget to set your no-subscription repo! Proxmox 6.2 and newer also supports new VZ […]
So what’s new in PHP 8.0? You may have remembered that I published a GitHub repo […]
A few years ago, at DefCon (ostensibly the largest hacking conference in the world), they demonstrated […]
It was bound to happen, sooner or later. I came across this interesting write-up about investigating […]
Here’s a few people we’ve been able to help. “Zubat” had an Acer gaming laptop with […]
This is an amazing talk discussing UI/UX (front-end) as well as back-end database schemas when it […]
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